Windows Movie Maker Projects - Movie Maker Tutorial

Windows Movie Maker Projects - Movie Maker Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a new project, save project, open saved project, save as project and how to clear recent projects list in windows live movie maker aka windows movie maker.

To learn how to edit videos using windows live movie maker
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Create new project
Save Project
Save As
Open Project
Clear Recent Projects List

Create new project-

   By default windows movie maker starts with a blank new project but if you are working on a project and want to create new project for that click on movie maker menu and click on new project. It will immediately create a new blank project.

Save project-

  If you want to save your project for the first time click on movie maker and click on save project then in save project dialog box go to the folder where you want to save the project give it a suitable name and click on save button.

You can see the project name will appear on the left side on the title bar.

Next time when you will work on this project and want to save your work just click on movie maker menu and click on save option to save your work.

Save as-

To save the same project with a different name click on movie maker and click on save project as then
in save project dialog box go to the folder where you want to save the project give your project a suitable name and click on save button.

Open project-

To open previously saved project in movie maker click on movie maker and click on the name of your project in recent projects lists.

If your project is not listed in recent projects list click on movie maker and click on open project option In open project dialog box go to the folder where you have saved the project click on project name and click on  open button.

Clear recent projects list-

If you right click on the name of the project in recent project list you can see there is no delete option, if we try to delete it from where you have saved the project still it will not get removed from recent projects list.

So to clear recent projects list first close windows movie maker. Click on start button and in search box type regedit which is short for registry editor. Click on it to open.

In regedit click on arrow of computer then click on the arrow of HKEY_CURRENT_USER inside that click on software arrow.  Then click on Microsoft arrow.

Then click on windows live arrow inside that click on movie maker arrow and here click on recent folder.
You can see our recent projects list is  here to delete these projects click on the name in name column right click on it and click on delete. Click on yes to confirm.

Once done close the registry editor. And open windows live movie maker. And you will see your recent projects list got cleared.

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